Add some color into your life with our painting services. From picking out the paint colors to the final reveal, we’ll work with you every step of the way to cater to your budget, timeline, and specific requests. Our team will arrive at your property prepared with premium paint colors and necessary painting materials to ensure the painting process runs as smoothly as possible. Let’s get started on transforming your space through paint. Give us a call today for premier painting services in Dunwoody, GA, and surrounding communities.
We at Renditions Painting are thrilled to share this photo of Jim and Beverly’s beautiful kitchen. It was a pleasure working with such kind and genuine people. We’ve had the privilege of painting nearly every room in their home, both inside and out, over the years. Their friendship and support means a lot to us.
West McCallie (Owner Of Renditions Painting)

Our services are offered to residents in Dunwoody, GA, and nearby communities. Whether you need a fresh new paint job for the whole house or just one room, we’re here to provide you with the best residential painting experience. With our communicative and professional customer service approach, you can trust that we will listen to and take action with all of your specific requests. For home repairs and installations, our handyman services will come in handy. We are here to help our community one repair at a time.